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How to Use Auto Portrait on the iPhone 15

If you remember some of the early smartphone cameras, you’ll know that saying we’ve come a long way is an understatement. iPhone cameras have gained several new features over the years, and with the iPhone 15, you’ll get another helpful tool: Auto Portrait.

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When using Auto Portrait on the iPhone, you have more flexibility when taking pictures of your loved ones and pets. If you want to do photoshoots for clients, you might also find that this feature is helpful. Today, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using Auto Portrait on the iPhone 15.

What Is Auto Portrait on iPhone?
As was revealed at the September 2023 Apple Event, the Auto Portrait feature will allow you to turn photos of people into portraits with more ease. Whereas previous iPhones required you to specifically switch to Portrait Mode, you can now make portraits in the Camera app’s default photography mode.

In the normal photography mode on your iPhone, you can also adjust the focal length – which determines how blurry or sharp your background is.

Which iPhone 15 Models Will Receive the Auto Portrait Feature?
Before we look at how to use the iPhone 15’s Auto Portrait tool, it’s a good idea to understand where you can use it. The good news is that all iPhone 15 models will receive the Auto Portrait tool, so you should be able to use it after upgrading your device.

The Auto Portrait feature’s availability is unlike some of the other new photography tools coming to iOS devices in fall 2023. For example, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max have more technical capabilities for capturing shots.

How to Use the Auto Portrait Tool on Your iPhone 15
Now that you know where you can use the Auto Portrait feature and what it is, let’s show you how to use it. Below are the instructions that you should follow.

Open the Camera app on your iPhone and make sure that you’re on the Photo tab.
Adjust the focus so that it’s placed on the person or animal that you’re trying to photograph.
Click on the f icon in the bottom left-hand corner to alter the focal length. A smaller number (e.g. f/4) will increase the level of blurriness in the background, whereas a bigger number (e.g. f/8) will make more of the background sharper.
Credit: Apple September 2023 Event/YouTube

The rest of the functions in the Camera app, such as changing the focal length (.5, 1x, 2, etc.) are the same as on previous iPhones. If you later want to adjust your picture, you can go to the Apple Photos app whenever you feel like it.

You will also have access to the various other editing tools, such as adjusting the exposure and saturation – meaning that you can make your photos look even better before you share them either privately or on social media.

Using Auto Portrait on the iPhone 15: A New Way to Take Amazing Photos
Using Auto Portrait on the iPhone 15 will give you more control over numerous aspects within pictures that you take of people or animals. You can alter the aperture of your shots, which can help you create a nice bokeh effect where the background is blurry. On top of that, you also have more flexibility if you forget to switch to Portrait Mode.

Once you’ve got your iPhone 15, it’s worth trying out this feature and seeing what you can create. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be the entry point to a fulfilling new hobby!

Danny is a freelance writer who has been using Apple products for over a decade. He’s written for some of the largest technology publications on the web and previously worked as an in-house writer before carving his own route. Danny grew up in the UK, but now writes about tech from his Scandinavian base.


How to Use Auto Portrait on the iPhone 15

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