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How to Use Block Quotes in Notes App on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

The Notes app works like a digital repository of your thoughts. You can quickly jot down anything important you don’t wish to forget later. You can organize your notes using Smart Folders in the Notes app to make it easier to find something specific. But what if you have a heap of notes from which you want to remember the most important part?

With the latest iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma update, Apple has introduced another feature that lets you highlight the most important portions of your notes. It is called Block Quotes. This post covers how to use Block Quotes in Apple Notes on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Ensure your iPhone and iPad run the latest iOS and iPadOS versions respectively.

How to Add Block Quotes in Apple Notes on iPhone
As the name suggests, you can use the Block Quotes feature to cite a paragraph in your notes. Using this feature you can mark the selected lines as quotes in the Notes app. Let us show you how to access this feature on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Notes app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Open the note and select the text in which you want to add a Block Quote.

Step 3: Tap the Format icon above the keyboard.

Step 4: Select the Body tab and tap the Block Quote icon at the bottom-right corner.

You will notice that the selected text has a Block Quote.

Remove Block Quote in Notes App on iPhone
Step 1: Open the Notes app on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 2: Open the note and select the text again to which you have added a Block Quote.

Step 3: Tap the Formatting icon above the keyboard.

Step 4: Tap on the Block Quote option again to remove it.

How to Add Block Quotes in Apple Notes on iPad
With the Apple Pencil, the iPad lets you draw your imagination in the Notes app. You can also create a Block Quote in the Notes app on your iPad. Here’s how.

Step 1: Open the Notes app on your iPad.

Step 2: Open your note and select the specific text to which you want to add a Block Quote.

Step 3: Tap the Format icon at the top.

Step 4: Select the Block Quote icon to add one.

Remove Block Quote in Notes App on iPad
Step 1: Open the Notes app on your iPad.

Step 2: Open the note where you want to remove Block Quote.

Step 3: Select the text showing as a Block Quote and tap the Format option.

Step 4: Tap on the Block Quote icon again to remove it from your select note.

How to Add Block Quotes in Apple Notes on Mac
If you prefer using Apple Notes on your Mac, you can also add a Block Quote to your notes. The Notes app on Mac syncs all the notes you save on your iPhone or iPad. So you can continue working on the same note from one device to another. Ensure that you are using the latest software update on your Mac.

Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar keyboard shortcut to open Spotlight Search, type Notes, and press Return.

Step 2: Open the note and select the text to which you want to add a Block Quote.

Step 3: Click the Format icon at the top.

Step 4: Select Block Quote from the list of options at the top.

Remove Block Quote in Notes App on Mac
Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar keyboard shortcut to open Spotlight Search, type Notes, and press Return.

Step 2: Open the note and select the text you want to add a Block Quote.

Step 3: Click the Format icon at the top and select Block Quote again to remove it.

Cite What’s Important
You can use the Block Quote feature in Apple Notes, especially when you note down what someone mentioned. If you have created multiple notes related to similar topics, you can link them in the Notes app. This way, you won’t have to open individual notes to read something relevant from your chain of thoughts.

Guiding Tech

How to Use Block Quotes in Notes App on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

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