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How to Download Videos From Safari on iPhone and iPad

While on the internet, we often come across videos that we would like to save for offline viewing or sharing. However, downloading videos from the Safari browser is challenging. Also, most social media websites (where many users come across these videos) lack a built-in option to download videos nor allow users to download videos.

We’ve compiled a guide to help you learn how to download videos from Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Also remember that while you can download videos from the internet, make sure it is for personal use and refrain from sharing elsewhere. We’ll talk more about this, later in the article. 

Steps to Download Videos From Safari on iPhone and iPad
Please ensure that you only download videos from websites that allow users to download videos. Planning to repurpose the content? Before doing that check whether the videos are royalty free. All I’m trying to convey is that avoid trouble by following the legalities. 

To demonstrate the process, we’ll be using the Pixabay website which has thousands of free stock videos shared by the community members.

Time needed: 3 minutes.
Steps to download videos from Safari on your iPhone and iPad.
Open Safari and head to the website from which you want to download the video. 
Tap on the Download Button. If applicable select the resolution and tap Download. 
Tap Download to confirm your selection. 
Now, tap the download icon at the bottom left of the screen. 
Tap the Downloads button. 
Now, tap on the video to open it. 
Once the video starts playing, tap the Share icon at the bottom left. 
On the next screen, tap the Save Video button. 

Alternatively, you can tap and hold on to the video, drag it to the Photos app, and directly save it to your iPhone or iPad. 

Where are the Downloaded Videos Stored on iPhone and iPad?
The videos you download are saved to the Photos and the Files app. Navigating to download videos in the Photos app is quite easy. You can find it in the Recents. However, if you want to locate it in the Files app, follow the steps mentioned below. 

1. Open the Files app on your iPhone or iPad. 

2. Head to the Browse tab and tap the iCloud Drive option. 

3. Now tap on the Downloads folder and you’ll find the downloaded videos in this tab. 

Download Videos from Social Media Apps and Websites 
Downloading videos from social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc., might not be ethical or even legal. Especially, if you want to download and share these videos or use the content in your videos, etc.

Coming to YouTube, it allows users to download videos for offline viewing within the app. These videos will not appear in the Photos or Files app and can only be accessed on YouTube. You might need a YouTube Premium subscription for some videos and resolutions (This is region specific). We have a guide that will help you download YouTube videos on your iPhone or iPad.

Now, if you upload your videos to YouTube (to store them privately as backup), then downloading these videos shouldn’t be a problem. You can look up websites that allow you to download videos from YouTube. However, please refrain from downloading videos from other creators and using them as it will come under copyright infringement laws. 

On the other hand, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites do not allow users to download videos even within their apps. So, if you’re looking to download a video from Twitter you can check out our detailed guide to download Twitter videos on your iPhone.

If you want to download Instagram reels or videos, you can use websites like Snapinsta, Save Insta, etc. Again, please ensure that you do not circulate these videos or repurpose the content as it can land you in trouble. 

Download Videos From Safari With Ease
We hope you’ve learned how to download videos from Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Now that you’re aware of the steps, ensure that you do not download and use the content. And, if you intend to do so, please pay the royalties or take the necessary permissions from the original creators. 

If you have any doubts regarding downloading videos from Safari on iPhone or iPad, let us know in the comments below. 

How do I download a video from Safari to my iPad? Tap Save Video. 
How do I download a video from my browser to my iPhone? Tap Save Video. 

Tags: iPad, iPhone, Safari
The Mac Observer

How to Download Videos From Safari on iPhone and iPad

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